SongFest ’24 RULES

Rules are needed to ensure fairness to all and to provide a consistent framework for a successful singing festival.

1. FEES (Please do not post cash. Internet banking deposits preferred.)

·        If entry is for ONE SONG ONLY, total fee payable is $10.

·        Administration Fee - $10.00. This is a compulsory fee for each singer to help with printing and other costs (except the Cleveland Recital competitors).

·        Solo Entries and Duets - $4.00 per entry per singer. For duet classes, the fee applies to each member of the duo. 

·        Scholarship Recital - $10.00. The scholarship recital fee is additional to the fees above and includes for 2 songs listed in the recital schedule in Classes 50 and 51. To be eligible for prize money, singers must enter and perform in 2 other classes (4 songs in total).

·        Cleveland Recital (18 and under 21) - $10.00. The Cleveland Recital fee is the total fee payable for this class and includes for 3 songs listed in the schedule for Class 54.

·        Vocal Entertainment (Under 21) - $5.00. This fee is the total fee payable for this class. The fee applies per person.


We like to keep the Festival to a reasonable length, and to ensure as many singers have a chance to sing as possible. As such, the committee reserves the right to limit the number of solo items for any entrant (excluding duets) so that the total number of performances over the weekend is capped at 300. If this is required, we will contact singers with the greatest number of solo entries and ask them to drop one or more entries from their programme. Singers who have entries cancelled to comply with the cap will receive a refund for items deleted.  


Entries received after the closing date may be accepted with a $20 late fee provided there is room in the programme. 


Ties: In the event of two vocalists being awarded FIRST EQUAL, any prize due (a cup or trophy) will be awarded to both singers. If there is prize money for 1st and 2nd, it will be combined and split equally between the 1st Equal winners. The same applies if 2nd prize is shared by two singers: the money for 2nd and 3rd will be combined and shared between the two winners.

Scholarships, special prizes and aggregate prizes: Scholarships and special prizes will only be paid out if the adjudicator considers performance to be of sufficiently high standard.

Aggregate prizes will be decided on points. Points will be allocated to placings as follows: 5 points for the 1st eligible competitor, 3 points for 2nd and 1 point for 3rd. If equal placings are given, points as noted will be awarded to all winners for any placing. In the event of a tie for any aggregate prize, prize money will be divided equally (as above).

Singers must perform in all classes applicable to be eligible for any aggregate prize, trophy or scholarship. The winners will be the competitors who gain the most points in the relevant classes and at the discretion of the adjudicator and committee.

Scholarships will only be awarded if THREE or MORE ENTRIES are received in each class and at the discretion of the adjudicator and committee. 


All trophies remain the property of the Festival Society. Trophies won in the previous year are to be returned by the due date noted on the schedule. Trophy winners are responsible for the engraving of their names at their cost and to return the trophies in a clean and undamaged condition. Trophy holders are responsible for any damage incurred while the trophy is in their possession. Any trophy holder from last year who is entering the festival this year will their have entries accepted only when they have returned their trophy in good condition.


If for any reason an entrant withdraws from a class or classes, there will be no refund of fees. 


Age shall be as at the start date of the competition. All singers must enter in applicable age groups where available. In duet classes, singers must enter in the age group of the oldest competitor.


We encourage teachers and performers to ensure that all song choices (repertoire) are age appropriate.


Singers will appear in the order printed in the official programme unless other prior arrangements have been made with officials. Performers must be present when required (or they may be disqualified). Please advise the Convenor or one of the committee if you are unable to perform in any class.


Any song sung by an entrant that has won them 1st place in a previous festival may not be sung again. Entrants may not sing the same song twice in the festival.


For Contemporary, Vocal Entertainment and Waiata classes: Sheet music is not required. However, Waiata singers do need to hand in a lyrics (words) sheet to the music table 15 minutes prior to the start of the session.

For all Classical, Musical Theatre, Action Song in Character, Pop, Sacred, National Song and Classical Recital classes: a complete copy of the music or an original must be handed into the music table 15 minutes prior to the start of the session (or else the singer may be disqualified at the discretion of the committee). For example, if you are singing in the early afternoon, that session begins at 1 pm so please had in your sheet music by 12.45 pm. That helps us get all the music in proper order for our adjudicator before the session starts.


You can play your own acoustic accompaniment (piano, guitar, etc) for any class. 


Performers will be asked to name their backing track files as directed and upload them to a DropBox arranged by us by a prescribed date before the competition. Playlists will be created. Performers are required to bring their tracks on their own USB stick as a backup with files names as directed. The backup USB stick is to be handed in at the musical table on arrival and will be returned at the conclusion of the festival.

·        Permitted for all classes except Cleveland Recital.

·        No vocals or "ghost singers" permitted in any backing track.

·        Classical classes: piano backing only.

·        Action Song in Character, Musical Theatre, Contemporary and the Vocal Entertainment classes: piano backing or full backing tracks permitted (your choice).

·        Waiata: simple single-instrument backing track is permitted. 


This class is non-competitive and open to singers of all ages under 21 years for solos, duos or groups. There are no placings or prizes awarded but each entry will receive an adjudicator's report. 

This class is intended for those who would like to sing in front of an appreciative audience but who don't wish to compete in the other classes.

We hope this will encourage participation in singing and provide an opportunity for singers to gain performance experience.

Those singers who enter any competition classes are not eligible to enter this class. 

Adjudication: The adjudicator will give singers helpful comments on: 

Technical ability


Performance skills

Entertainment Value


Filming of your own child’s performance is permitted provided that it does not cause inconvenience or disruption to singers, the audience or the adjudicator. 


The committee reserves the right to divide or combine any classes or limit the total number of classes that an individual can enter where the number of entries warrants this.


Any singer who directly or indirectly communicates with the adjudicator prior to or during the festival may be disqualified by the committee. This is to keep things fair both for the performer and to the adjudicator. There can be no appearance of interference in their assessment of any performer.

Also, singers will not be able to perform in any class if they have been taught by the adjudicator in the past two years. The decisions of the adjudicator are final, and the committee will not accept any verbal or written submissions from singers, teachers or whānau contesting those decisions.


These will be available at the end of each session at the music table.


All singers perform at their own risk and the committee accepts no responsibility for accidents or mishaps. Entries are accepted based on these conditions.


As a guideline for teachers, solo items for all genres are to be a maximum of 3 minutes for under 12 years and 4 minutes for 12 years and over.


The committee reserves the sole right to interpret and apply these rules. The decision of the committee in all matters will be final.

Winners of 2023 Cleveland Recital: Rosie McAllister (3rd), Jesse Hanan (2nd), Rosie Auchinvole (1st)

Novice singers eyeing up trophies, 2022

Winners of 2023 special prizes with judge Clare Martin